GLOBALG.A.P. Certificates Awards Ceremony
- October 20, 2015
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- Category: Corporate Governance

RECURA and USAID’s Agriculture Growth and Rural Opportunities (AGRO) Program organized GLOBALG.A.P. Certificates Awards Ceremony (Preferred Farm Assurance & Private Capacity Building), which took place on Tuesday, October 20that 14:00 at the Sheshi 21 in Pristina.
The objective of the event was to promote the successful completion of Preferred Farm Assurers training, important for supporting local producers to implement international food safety standards in their production.
Ten local agriculture experts have successfully passed the PFA exam, with the support of USAID’s AGRO Program and local implementing partner Recura.
They have ben ceremoniously handed the certificates by Minister of Trade and Industry and the USAID’s Director of Economic Growth Office.